As your E34 gets older, we want to take as much care as we can which is why storing them away during the wet winter months may be beneficial. Below are a few of our steps to help you prepare for that.
What you Need to Do
1. You might want to remove the tires to remove the weight of the car.
2. Place all four corners of your E34 on jack stands. (Good time to bleed or flush brake fluid.)
3. Store your tires on top of each other.
4. If you don’t remove the tires, isolate them from the floor with a heavy sheet of plastic.
Other Tips:
1. Heat your storage area if you can afford it.
2. If you are in a damp area, you might want to place cloth bags filled with newspaper to absorb the moisture.
3. Make sure to cover any windows in your storage area (sun will age paint and plastics).
4. During winter you can start your car once a month (in ventilated area), don’t forget to run the A/C to lubricate the seals.
5. Patience… spring is on its way.